Ra guide


đã Post13 Tháng 4 2024 - 2:40 am
Haya, I’m back playing aom and I would like to start with Ra again… I remember I used to have some good build orders but unfortunately can’t remember any of them lol ( such as scarab rush, sphinx ruch,camel rush, 2tc fh w rain and w/out rain).

Could you help me with those? I couldn’t find anything, and some help would be really appreciated! Thank you so much.
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VGaming Lead

đã Post13 Tháng 4 2024 - 11:54 pm
There are some Ra build orders in here here. You can also use the ones I used to use for Set. Set build orders won't be optimal for Ra, but they should be sufficient to get you going again. I hope this helps. :)

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