Ants 2018?


đã Post11 Tháng 5 2018 - 5:17 pm
It looks like I am the last one standing. Ants was many of our childhood and even young adult hobbies. Let's bring it back for 2018!

If we have weekly $500 tourneys and place a budget for advertising we could probably fill our lobby up! It's probably hopeless and I just came here for a little nostalgia.

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Đã được sửa19 Tháng 5 2018 - 1:20 am bởi_lil_ScotsMon_
Last one? PLS, I've been here for years!

This game is done dude, just remember the good times! I doubt any game will ever have such a mental and tight knit community as we did on the Zone.

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đã Post18 Tháng 6 2018 - 12:48 pm
Would be fun to run a few games, even 1v1 games were fun. I tried to play this game by myself to beat my old score (I think 4135 pts) but it seems like this game is a bit too much for my computer or maybe the software is not up to date? Not sure, but if we can fix this, I’m down to play u 1v1, Matt any day. I’ll even left you grab all fires or combs, as long as u do not take all four thieves :)
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đã Post2 Tháng 1 2019 - 11:41 pm
If anyone ever wants to play Ants reply here or message me. I play Age of Empires 2 so I'm on Voobly often. Ants doesn't work right on my Windows 10 laptop, as it runs extremely slow and is unplayable. Does anyone know a fix? I have an old Windows XP PC that I can play it on.

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